School Groups

We offer school group tours for those interested in the operation of a modern theatre, on-stage, backstage and in the green room!

Bring your class to a tailored educational tour of the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre including backstage areas.

What's included

  • An engaging 45-60 min tour of the venue.
  • Up to 30 minutes additional time in the venue available (ie. for teachers to continue a lesson on stage.)
  • Break off area in foyer with a space for bags

Tour content

This will be suited to the age level and class size in the tour but can include:

  • Venue Safety
  • History of theatre
  • History of the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre
  • Theatre etiquette
  • Venue areas – stage, basement, bio room, dressing rooms
  • Lighting basics
  • Basic stage mechanics
  • Audio basics

What are the benefits

  • Introduce students to the venue before they see a show
  • Contextualise studies in theatre, music and performing arts
  • Prepare students for experiences with, or careers in, the performing arts

Contact our box office to arrange school group tours today.