History Pin

Bundaberg Regional Libraries received a Grant from the State Library of Queensland to develop a Historypin project as part of State Library of Queensland’s QANZAC 100: Memories for a New Generation.

Historypin is a way for millions of people to come together, from across different generations, cultures and places, to share small glimpses of the past and to build up the huge story of human history.

According to the creators of this website, everyone has history to share: whether it’s sitting in yellowed albums in the attic, collected in piles of crackly tapes, conserved in archives all over the world, or passed down in memories and old stories. Historypin was launched in 2010 by Shift - a not-for-profit company that creates ways for millions of people to do more small, good things, helping address social and environmental issues.

Our Project

Our project is Remembrance and Honour: Bundaberg Region’s Legacy of the Great War. Our Historypin site documents all the WW1 memorials and honour boards across our region. We've shared images of our District during WW1 which have been scanned from local residents.

If you have material you would like to contribute to this project please contact Bundaberg Regional Libraries on (07) 4130 4140 or email us.