Dugg'un: Mosaicing the head of the Rainbow Water Snake

Dugg'un: Mosaicing the head of the Rainbow Water Snake

About the Project

Community Lifestyle Support (CLS) was creating a bush tucker garden on their property at Kalkie, with the involvement of Taribelang Bunda representatives. Central to the garden is a pathway representing Dugg'un, the rainbow water snake. This project saw the creation of the head of Dugg'un in ceramic tile mosaics through a series of workshops held on site at CLS.

When and Where

November and December 2021, 12 x 3-hour community mosaic workshops were held on site at Community Lifestyle Support, Ashfield Rd, Kalkie.


  • Number of artists/cultural workers employed: 1
  • Number of volunteers engaged: 1
  • Number of participants: 63

RADF Funding



  1. The project developed a partnership with CLS, a local business and service provider to the disability sector, to activate a non-traditional space
  2. The project included the participation of First Nations people and an opportunity for telling cultural stories
  3. Provided opportunities for volunteers to participate in community mosaic to increase their skills.

Audience Feedback

Bundaberg Now feature video includes interviews with Paul Perry and workshop participants.