Artisan Collects - Malki Studio

Artisan Collects - Malki Studio

About the Project

An opportunity for Malki Studio’s to gain exposure to new audiences and clientele was presented with an invitation to showcase artworks at Artisan Collects. This highly sought-after retail space is in a prime position on King Street Brisbane, and boasts an impressive repertoire of artists, patrons, and customers. Featuring at Artisan Collects provided a platform for career development, connecting with peers and industry professionals, and increase brand exposure within a lucrative and prominent market segment.

Artisan Collects is a new venture that aims to introduce artworks to new audiences and clientele, with the intention of enticing Artisan’s customers to become art collectors. We are honoured to be regional artists who have been selected for the first feature of Artisan Collects, making this opportunity a great milestone in our career as Malki Studio.

When and Where

Artisan Collects featured 27 May to 24 June 2022 Artisan Brisbane 45 King Street, Bowen Hills QLD 4006 and Government House display 15 June to 6 September 2022.


  • Number of artists/cultural workers employed: 3
  • Number of people employed in other paid positions: 2
  • Number of volunteers engaged: 4
  • Number of attendees: Visitor statistics recorded a total of 2337 visitors to Government House

RADF Funding



  1. Exposure to a new larger audience and client base, direct sales, further private commissions, and exhibition opportunities.
  2. Connecting with industry peers and Queensland College of Art university personnel.
  3. Exposure within our local community as a direct result of gallery and local media attending and covering Malki Studio’s showcase at Artisan Collects.
  4. Prestige display at Brisbane’s Government House.

Audience Feedback

"I can say that it certainly drew much attraction from visitors, both those passing by the outside window and those inside the store. People were very fascinated by the works, having not seen jewellery quite like it before." Max Bubb - Artisan Store

Her Excellency Dr Jeannette Young is delighted to support Artisan by allowing Artisan to exhibit the works of some of its artists in the main foyer at Government House.” Darren Yeap- Hospitality Services Manager (Extract from Correspondence with Government House)