Artists Fiona Dyer, Julie Middleton and Shelley Pisani are reuniting 30 years after graduating from their fine arts degrees for an exhibition that celebrates their continued sources of creative inspiration called "3 Cups Full". Residing in Weipa, Gold Coast and Bundaberg they came together at Kepnock State High School over April school holidays. The purpose was to share skills, collaborate, and develop concepts for their upcoming exhibition at Childers Art Space. In exchange for the use of space, materials and equipment at the school, the artists provided a range of technique workshops in various mediums to art teachers from Kepnock. To consolidate ideas, Jennifer McDuff mentored.
The opportunity for the residency was during the Easter school holiday break in April 2022 at Kepnock State High School, Bundaberg.
"Hands-on experience was invaluable for the team at Kepnock, some staff were able to explore new mediums and techniques for the first time. Everyone involved feels the artists self-designed in-residency model of artists accessing space at schools was invaluable and as a model is to be shared and encouraged."
Kepnock State High School